About Un(Think) Foods

About Us

UN(THINK) Foods leverages natural science to help regular grains become flour-based products that offer superior nutrition.

At UN(THINK)™ we use our patented technology to naturally process and convert grain, pulses and root vegetables. For wheat, this revolutionary process results in a flour offering superior nutrition, without compromising taste, texture and quality.

The result is UN(THINK)™ a brand with products for health conscious consumers, and a premium UN(THINK)™ branded ingredient for manufacturers to “better” their products in the bakery and snack categories. 

wheat field with a sunset

We want to shift the perception that you have to avoid great tasting food products because they may impact your health. We aim to provide products that are good for you and that don’t compromise on the taste people love. 

profile picture of David Naccarato

"We believe that people should not compromise in order to eat healthier. Our proprietary process, which we have been perfecting for the past ten years, is designed to provide the key ingredients for many of the foods that people want to eat, combined with the nutrition they desire.”

David Naccarato

Director IP Development & Inventor

profile picture of Hernando Ruiz-Jimenez

"Why should people think wheat is not good for you? What if wheat could give you all the good nutrition without the elements that are perceived as not healthy?” 

Hernando Ruiz-Jimenez

General Manager UN(THINK) Foods

UN(THINK) Foods is a subsidiary of AgriFORCE, an integrated AgTech company that commercializes IP-driven breakthroughs to provide consumers and food companies with new products and ingredients that redefine nutrition and taste.

agriforce logo

The Un(Think)™ Advantage

100% natural


Our process takes the best of nature delivering healthy products without having to compromise wellness for taste.

non gmo


Our products are produced without genetic engineering and its ingredients are not derived from GMOs. We believe in natural processes always.

planet friendly


We are committed to creating products naturally... we are in love with humanity and the future of this planet.

improve digestion


Allowing the grains to go through the germination process naturally transforms grain starches making it easier for the body to absorb important, and vital nutrients from the grain.

enhanced nutrition


We work to maximize nutritional value and enjoyment, giving you healthier food that tastes like happy feels.

lower glycemic index


Our process reduces carbohydrates that lowers the Glycemic index and makes healthier choices and great taste easier to achieve.

Our production is currently based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. We chose this area as it is one of the world’s best and largest grain producing regions. We have secured strategic partnerships with local non-GMO suppliers and specialty milling partners who bring their expertise and care to products. This way we can also tell you where your flour is coming from and who worked on it.

Working with Nature, is exactly what we do. We “AWAKEN” the grain by gently starting the sprouting process. Using our patented 100% natural process, we carefully start activating those enzymes, we find the optimal point to make them more nutritious, easier to digest, and better tasting too. We call it “Smart Natural Science”. This is the short story, but if you want to know more, click below.

landscape shot of a lake

Un(Think)™ Compromise


The food world has fundamentally changed in the past ten years, driven by consumers looking for both healthy alternatives and a physical and emotional sense of wellness. But the norm is, in order to achieve that state of health and wellbeing, you have to compromise and give things up.

What if you didn’t have to compromise? What if you could enjoy the things you crave whenever you want them?

What if you could dive into those delicious fluffy pancakes and say goodbye to unsatisfying nutrition bars. What if you could just enjoy great tasting breads, cakes, pastries, sandwiches and pastas, and actually do something good for your body?

Glass bowl filled with croissants

Not by taking things out or adding things in, and definitely not by creating Frankenfoods. We use natural science taking regular grains, pulses and root vegetables and we let them achieve their nutritional best, we help them become flours that are naturally good for you. So, imagine your next cupcake or a bread smelling, tasting and looking just like you always remember and crave.

Together, we will smash through the boundaries of grain, root and pulse-based food creation, so healthy tastes like happy feels.   

We will unleash new levels of taste and nutrition through our uncompromising pursuit of excellence.

We challenge convention and accelerate change by sharing knowledge and driving innovation that is good for you, your community and the planet.

To create the future, we must (UN)THINK™ what’s possible today.

wheat field in the sunset

Un(Think)™ Values


At UN(THINK) Foods, we believe that there is a need to challenge convention and accelerate change to drive innovation, and create products that are good for you, your community and the planet.

Our values not only describe our beliefs but are also our guiding principle to UN(THINK)™ the way we approach problems, develop solutions and care for each other. If you share our values, join us, become part of our food movement!

Mother and Daughter baking


We don’t want you to change how you eat and what you eat. 

We believe there is a better and easier way. 

We believe in the goodness of grains, pulses and roots making them naturally better for everyone. 

We believe in unthinking the usual by making healthy part of your everyday.

group of people enjoying burgers


We believe that you shouldn't have to sacrifice what you love because the norms dictate so. 

We believe that you should be who you want to be. Love who you want to love. Eat what you want to eat.

We believe that tasty and healthy can go in hand. Why compromise?

group of people enjoying pizza


We believe great tasting plant-based food should not be an elitist closed circle for the few. 

We believe in working hard to make things simple, the way you know them, convenient, accessible & inclusive.

group of people hiking


We're at the forefront of global movement to UN(THINK)™ nutrition.

We believe in a borderless generation; we are explorers with open minds and a boundless appetite for new & diverse opportunities. 

We believe small things can have a huge impact.

We believe that together we can improve body, soul, community, society and planet one meaningful bite at a time.

Un(Think)™ Nutrition

UN(THINK)™ Awakened Flour – why is it better for you?

Many of the delicious foods we love come from grains, and every grain is a seed waiting to come to life. Nature provides those seeds with starch, protein, nutrients, and enzymes, all inside a protective case so when the seed is ready, it will wake up and grow. 

Working with Nature, this is exactly what we do. We “AWAKEN” the grain by gently starting the sprouting process. Using our patented 100% natural process, we carefully use humidity and temperature to start activating those enzymes, looking for the optimal point to make them more nutritious, easier to digest, and better tasting too. We then use specialty mills to produce our UN(THINK)™ Awakened Flour. You may ask, “Nice, but so what?…  why not use regular flour vs one that has been “Awakened”?

Allow us to get a little bit nerdy… Let’s talk about research. There’s a significant body of scientific evidence that supports the fact that sprouted grains are better for you both in terms of nutrition and better digestion. 

growing plant
mom and daughter baking

Traditional grains are stripped of most of their nutrients during the refining process where the bran and germ are removed. This sacrifice is done in order to preserve the grain for a longer period of time. By allowing the grains to go through the sprouting process, natural grain starches are transformed, making it easier for the body to absorb vital nutrients from the grain.

Research indicates that wheat sprouted is more digestible than unsprouted wheat. Sprouting improves digestibility by breaking down starch and proteins. Total free amino acids (the building blocks of protein) in sprouted wheat are significantly higher than in unsprouted wheat.

Sprouting softens the bitterness of tannins, saponins, and other “antinutrients” in grains. It also changes the natural compounds (like flavonoids and phenols) that give foods flavor, so sprouted grains and seeds have a more complex flavor profile than their unsprouted counterparts. As those enzymes break down starches into simpler sugars, sprouted whole grains become a little bit sweeter. This transformation means breads and baked goods made from sprouted grain flours caramelize better than those made from conventional, unsprouted grains, allowing, for example, for beautiful browning and depth of flavor in cookies, or breads that rise better and have a richer crust. In baking and sensory studies, bread made from sprouted wheat flour is less bitter and has better loaf volume than bread made from unsprouted whole wheat flour.


Other nutritional benefits of Awakened whole kernel flour:

  • Sprouting increases the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and B vitamins, so your body can absorb them. 
  • Research suggests that sprouted whole grains may have a lower impact on glycemic response than non-sprouted, which means they are digested more slowly by the body, keeping blood sugar levels stable for a longer period of time. 
  • Sprouting changes the total amount of fiber in whole grains, helping improve digestion and gut health.

To protect the grain from birds and animals, seeds have some defenses known as “antinutrients”, which not only makes them harder to digest, but also makes them less appealing. 

Sprouting softens the bitterness of tannins, saponins, and other “antinutrients” in grains. It also changes the natural compounds (like flavonoids and phenols) that give foods flavor, so sprouted grains and seeds have a more complex flavor profile than their unsprouted counterparts. As those enzymes break down starches into simpler sugars, sprouted whole grains become a little bit sweeter. This transformation means breads and baked goods made from sprouted grain flours caramelize better than those made from conventional, unsprouted grains, allowing, for example, for beautiful browning and depth of flavor in cookies, or breads that rise better and have a richer crust. In baking and sensory studies, bread made from sprouted wheat flour is less bitter and has better loaf volume than bread made from unsprouted whole wheat flour.

Person holding a burger inbetween both hands

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